Wednesday, December 23, 2015

2015 Update To SAINTS Rescue From Tux

Today is the 3rd anniversary of our Tux's adoption from SAINTS Rescue. Each year we create an update to send to SAINTS. We also share with the public in hopes people will be consider adoption - especially senior adoption. Here is Tux's letter:


2015 was overall a great year. But I had some losses this year too and it was tough. I'm looking forward to sharing my 3rd year with my forever family with you.

On January 2, 2015, my big brother Buddy passed away. In 2 years, we spent a lot of time together doing all sorts of fun things.

Buddy was almost 17 years old and it was a really tough for all of us.

After Buddy passed away I wasn't completely alone. I still had my cats Kitty and Kermit. I have to admit, cats aren't my favorite animal on earth but they did their best to keep me company.

Shortly after Buddy passed away, Lisa went away to Thailand to volunteer at Soi Dog Foundation. While she was there, she fell in love with another senior named Dominic. In the Spring, he joined our family.

We did all sorts of fun things in 2015. One of my favorites is walking and hiking. I think I've pounded the dirt and pavement more in the past 3 years then I did in my previous 10! I always make sure to have a good rest at the end. I am 13 years old now afterall.

In the summer, we went camping several times too. We visit our family in the mountains several times each year and I just love it. Fresh air, clean water, and lots of fun hiking paths. It's the best.

Of course, over the summer I came to visit SAINTS at the Open House. Wow, was it ever nice to see my second family there. Jenn took a few photos of me while I was there. I couldn't help but dance for her :).

Since I've met my weight loss goals, every now and then I get a special treat. Sometimes I just help myself...but that's another story that I will keep to myself.

Unfortunately at the end of the summer, my new brother Dominic fell unexpectedly ill and passed away. It was a shock to us all and I still really miss him. We made a good team.

On a happier note, of course throughout the year I taught Pet First Aid classes & workshops to both kids and adults. I have a pretty cool job and I am quite well paid. Here is a photo and if you want to see more details, I have a separate Blog post HERE.

In October I did a Halloween contest photo shoot for my work. I think I make a most excellent super hero :). In fact, an illustration was made of me as one too!

Also in October I got a new rescue brother. He kind of looks like me and we get along really well. He's a shy boy and I think it helps having me around to protect him.

Anyways, just wanted to let you know that life is good. Really good. And once again it's because of you at SAINTS. You gave me a chance when others might not have. And you found me the right family.

Forever a SAINT!

~ Love Tux (formerly Joey)